Many people might not know this fact that cats also suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma, just like us. This disease causes a chronic inflammation in the air passage of cats’ lungs. During an asthma attack, this passage contracts to an extent making it difficult to breathe in a cat. The condition can worsen over a period of time.
I know all this because my cat Shirley has asthma. I found about her illness recently when I took her to a vet for a regular checkup. I told him that Shirley is coughing hard from a while and then, he diagnosed her with asthma after a complete evaluation. I could not believe this my three-year kid is suffering from such a chronic disease. Then, I researched thoroughly for Do’s and Don’ts for asthmatic cats. Here, I am writing this blog to tell you all about the best litter for cats with asthma.