If you are a cat lover and/or an owner of a cat, check out below to learn more about becoming a HereKitt contributor.
Word count:
Blog entries should range between 700 – 1,500 words.
Article Requirements
We welcome guest posts but your article must meet certain criteria before it will be considered for publication here. So this is what you need to check before you submit:
- Articles must be CATS RELATED in any way.
- Articles must be 100% unique and original (ie. not published anywhere else on the Internet) – this will be verified via copyscape
- Articles must be informative and/or educational. Include tips, trick, techniques, case studies, analysis, opinions and commentary in the articles.
- Break article content into subsections wherever possible using subheadings
- Use short paragraphs (3 – 4 sentences).
- Use 3 – 4 images in the content.
- Article bodies should deliver on the promises made in the article titles.
Keep your tone neutral, inclusive, positive and fun. Check out what we’ve previously posted on the website.
Bio and promotion:
We are more than happy to include a byline and a brief bio containing links to your personal website and/or social media pages. The author bio blurb should be 25-55 words in length. Also send a photo that you’d like us to use for your bio. Your bio will be featured on the website and the articles that you write.
Should I include a photo?
Our editors can supply photography for your articles but we encourage our writers to submit images. Original digital photo or stock photos can be submitted as .jpg or .png. in high-resolution. We reserve the right to edit and/or crop photographs.
To submit, email us at luna.herekitt@gmail.com